Pueblo, CO Enacts Annual Property Registration Requirement
January 20, 2022Pueblo, CO
The city of Pueblo, Colo., has enacted property registration requirements after 90 continuous days of vacancy or after 180 non-continuous days of vacancy within 1 year. The program will enforce an annual registration fee of $500 and will require renewal each year on January 1.
Property Registration Ordinance
Section 1.
Chapter 9 - Vacant Buildings
Sec. 4-9-1. - Definitions.
11. Vacant means a building/structure that is not legally occupied for a period of ninety (90) or more continuous days or one hundred eighty (180) or more non-continuous days within the period of one (1) year.Sec. 4-9-2. - Registration
- Any Property which is vacant or shows evidence which would cause a reasonable person to believe it is vacant, is, by this section, deemed abandoned and a nuisance and the Owner or Owner of Record shall register the property with the Director of Finance or his or her designee on forms provided by the city.
- An annual registration fee shall accompany the registration form. The fee and registration shall be valid for the calendar year, or remaining portion of the calendar year, in which the registration was initially required. Subsequent registrations and fees are due January 1 of each year and must be received no later than January 31 of the year due.
Sandyston, NJ
The township of Sandyston, N.J., has enacted property registration requirements within 30 days of vacancy. The program will enforce an annual registration that will reflect the following annual fee structure:
- Initial: $500.00
- 1st Renewal: $1500.00
- 2nd Renewal: $3000.00
- 3rd and Subsequent Renewals: $5000.00
Property Registration Ordinance
Section 1. The Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Sandyston are hereby amended by the addition of the new chapter titled Vacant and Abandoned Properties, to read as follows:
Registration and Maintenance of Vacant and Abandoned Residential Properties and Vacant and Abandoned Residential Properties in Foreclosure
2. Registration of Vacant and Abandoned Properties
a) A Creditor filing a summons and complaint in an action to foreclose on a Vacant and Abandoned property, or a Creditor who has previous filed a summons and complaint to foreclose on a residential property which subsequently becomes Vacant and Abandoned, or the Owner of a Vacant and Abandoned property, shall within thirty (30) calendar days after the building becomes Vacant and Abandoned or within thirty (30) calendar days after assuming ownership of the Vacant and Abandoned property, whichever is later; or within then (10) calendar days of receipt of notice from the Township, and annually thereafter, file a registration statement for such Vacant and Abandoned property with the municipal clerk on forms provided by the Township for such purposes.
e) The registration shall remain valid for one year form the date of registration except for the initial registration which shall be valid through December 31st of the year in which it was filed. The Owner of the property or the Creditor shall be required to renew the registration annually as long as the building remains Vacant and Abandoned and shall pay a registration or renewal fee in the amount prescribed in Section 3. of this Section for each Vacant and Abandoned property registered.
3. Fee Schedule
The initial registration fee for each Vacant and Abandoned property under the provisions of this Section shall be five hundred ($500.00) dollars. The fee for the first annual renewal shall be one thousand five hundred ($1,500.00) dollars and the fee for the second annual renewal shall be three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars. The for any subsequent annual renewal beyond the second renewal shall be five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars.
Stratford, NJ
The township of Stratford, N.J., has amended its property registration requirement within 30 days of vacancy. The program will no longer be enforced by ProChamps, and registration will be handled in-house moving forward. A semi-annual registration fee of $500 will remain intact.
Property Registration Ordinance
C. Mortgagees who have existing registrable property on the effective date of this ordinance have 30 calendar days from the effective date to register the property with the Code Enforcement Department.
H. A non-refundable registration fee of $500.00 shall accompany each registration pursuant to this section.
K. Properties subject to this section shall remain under the semi-annual registration requirement, and the inspection, security and maintenance standards of this section as long as they are registrable.
Safeguard Properties Vacant Property Registration Matrix
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