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Property Registration Ordinance
Sec. 63-7. Registration requirements.
The owner of any property in foreclosure or vacant and abandoned property as defined herein shall, within 30 calendar days after the building enters foreclosure or becomes vacant property, or within 10 calendar days of receipt of notice by the municipality, file a registration statement for such property with the Code Enforcement Officer on forms provided by the Township for such purposes.
Sec. 63-8. Registration fees.
Registration Type/Fee
- Property in Foreclosure or Vacant and/or Abandoned Property (Initial): $250
- Property in Foreclosure or Vacant and/or Abandoned Property (First renewal): $500
- Property in Foreclosure or Vacant and/or Abandoned Property (Second renewal): $1,000
- Property in Foreclosure or Vacant and/or Abandoned Property (Third or more renewal): $2,500
Moorestown, NJ
Property Registration Ordinance
The Township of Moorestown
Pursuant to the Code of the Township of Moorestown Sec. 103-24, REGISTRATION OF PROPERTY IN FORECLOSURE (copy of Ordinance 3-2023 attached):
Any creditor foreclosing on a residential or commercial mortgage shall, in addition to the notice required by any other applicable law, register the residential or commercial property with the Township Clerk as a Property In Foreclosure. This shall also apply to properties that have been the subject of a deed in lieu of foreclosure.
This office is in receipt of a Notice of Foreclosure from your agency. Therefore, kindly complete the enclosed Property Registration Statement and file same, along with the appropriate fee, with my office within ten (10) days of receipt.
INITIAL REGISTRATION FEE: A Property in Foreclosure shall be subject to payment of a non-refundable annual registration fee in the amount of $500. The initial fee shall be submitted when filing the Property Registration Statement. Fees are not prorated. For each subsequent calendar year that the property remains a Property in Foreclosure, an annual renewal registration form and fee of $500 shall be due by January 31.
VACANT AND ABANDONED PROPERTY FEE: If the Property in Foreclosure is unoccupied at the time the initial Property Registration Statement is filed, an additional non-refundable vacant property fee in the amount of $2,000 shall be paid with the registration fee. For each subsequent calendar year that the property remains unoccupied, an additional vacant property fee of $2,000 shall be paid at the time of renewal, i.e. no later than January 31.
The town of Niskayuna, N.Y. has enacted a property registration requirement within 10 days of vacancy or 10 days of foreclosure filing. The program will require annual registration that will be accompanied by an initial fee of $500.00. For each subsequent yearly renewal, the fee will increase by an additional $500.00.
Property Registration Ordinance
Vacant Building Registration
Sec. 139-18. Registration requirements.
A. Properties. The following property shall be registered under this article: [Amended 12-14-2022 by L.L. No.5-2022]
(1) Vacant building. Within 10 of the date on which a building is deemed a vacant building as provided in Sec. 139-19, the owner and/or mortgagee of the property with a vacant building shall register the property by filing a registration form with the Building Department.
(2) Abandoned building. Within 10 days of being provided with notice of an affidavit of abandonment or the affidavit of abandonment itself by a Building Inspector as provided in Sec. 139-20, the owner and/or mortgagee of the property shall register the property by filing a registration form with the Building Department.
(3) Foreclosing property. Within 10 days of commencement of a foreclosure action on property has been initiated pursuant to RPAPL Sec. 1301 et. seq., the mortgagee shall comply with the requirements of Sec. 139-21 and register the property by filing a registration form with the Building Department.
(4) Foreclosed property. Within 10 days of receipt of a deed for a foreclosed property, the new owner of the property shall register the property by filing a registration form with the Building Department.
B. Registration, fee and renewal. Registration shall be submitted on forms provided by the Niskayuna Building Department. The Town Board shall establish a fee for the filing of a registration form and shall have the ability to amend such fee from time to time as deemed necessary by Town Board resolution, Each registration shall last one year and shall be renewed if necessary. The owner and/or mortgagee must immediately notify the Building Department of any changes in the facts provided on the registration form. If the premises change ownership, the new owner shall file a new registration form within 30 days of the transfer.
Town of Niskayuna
Application for Vacant Building Registration
Residential Properties
Year 1: $500 registration fee
Each subsequent year would increase by another $500 (Year 2 would be $1,000; Year 3 would be $1,500; Year 4 would be $2,000, etc.)
The city of San Diego, Calif. has amended its property registration ordinance to reflect an increased fee of $211.00 per year. The increased fee was effective beginning July 1, 2023 and will remain at $211.00 for the 2024 fiscal year.
Property Registration Ordinance
City of San Diego
Fiscal Year 2024 User Fee Schedule
Development Services Department
Neighborhood Compliance
Property Value Protection Ordinance: $211 Per Registration
Long Beach, California The city of Long Beach, Calif. has amended its property registration ordinance to reflect an updated annual fee of $210.00. The ordinance will continue to require annual…
North Bergen, NJ The township of North Bergen, N.J. has amended its property registration requirement to reflect an annual fee of $500.00 for occupied properties in foreclosure and $2,500.00 for…
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Safeguard Properties
7887 Hub Parkway
Valley View, OH 44125
Media Inquiries: safeguard.communication@safeguardproperties.com