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Property Registration Ordinance
Vacant & Foreclosed Properties Registration
Dear City of Middletown property owners:
Due to a change in NYS Legislation, DPW will no longer require Registration of Vacant properties and will not be collecting any fees. All property owners, including vacant ones, should provide us with updated property ownership, contact information, and a local agent. Please include mailing address, email and phone numbers, including emergency numbers. This will enable us to get in touch with you regarding any issues related to property.
Thank you for your cooperation
Lisle, IL
Property Registration Ordinance
On July 9, 2018, the Village of Lisle Mayor and Board of Trustees approved Ordinance 2018-4771. This ordinance eliminates the Village of Lisle's Vacant Property Registration Program.
Ordinance 2018-4771 includes the adoption of the 2015 International Property Maintenance Code with local amendments. While the Village of Lisle will no longer be conducting a vacant property registration program, all properties within the Village are expected to comply with the Village's property maintenance standards.
The township of Oldmans Township, N.J. has amended its property registration ordinance to reflect an annual registration requirement within 10 days of foreclosure filing. The program will also require an annual fee of $500.00 for occupied properties in foreclosure and a $2,500.00 fee for vacant properties in foreclosure.
Property Registration Ordinance
Article II: Abandoned Real Property Registration
Sec. 115-9 Applicability.
Any mortgagee who holds a mortgage or equity lien on such real property located within the Township shall perform an inspection of the property to determine vacancy or occupancy, upon default by the mortgagor. The mortgagee shall, within 10 days of the inspection, register the property with the Code Enforcement Official, or its designee, on forms or website access provided by the Township, and indicate whether the property is vacant or occupied.
Sec. 115-10 Registration requirements.
C. Fees.
[Amended 11-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-08]
(1) The nonrefundable registration fee for each property that is required to be registered because a summons and complaint in an action to foreclose was filed by a creditor shall be $500 annually.
(2) An additional $2,000 per property annually will be assessed if the property is vacant or abandoned pursuant to Sec. 115-8 when the summons and complaint in an action to foreclose is filed, or becomes vacant and abandoned pursuant to Sec. 115-8.
The borough of Penns Grove, N.J. has enacted a property registration ordinance within 30 days of vacancy. The program will require annual registration accompanied by the following escalating fee structure:
Occupied Properties in Foreclosure:
1st Year: $500.00
2nd Year: $750.00
3rd Year: $750.00
4th Year: $1,000.00
5th Year: $1,250.00
Bank Foreclosures Deemed Vacant and Abandoned:
$2,500.00 per year
Property Registration Ordinance
Vacant Property Registration
[Adopted 3-3-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-2]
Sec. 206-16. Registration required.
A. Effective on April 1, 2015, the owner of any vacant property as defined herein shall, within 30 days after the building becomes vacant property or within 30 days after assuming ownership of the vacant property, whichever is later, or within 10 days of receipt of notice by the municipality, file a registration statement for such vacant property with the Municipal Officer on forms provided for that purpose by the Municipal Officer along with any fee required by this article. Failure to receive notice by the municipality shall not constitute grounds for failing to register the property.
D. The registration shall remain valid for one year from the date of registration. The owner shall be required to renew the registration annually as long as the building or structure remains a vacant property and shall pay a registration or renewal fee in the amount prescribed in Sec. 206-18 for each vacant property registered.
Registration Fee's:
1st Year - $500
2nd Year - $750
3rd Year - $750
4th Year - $1000
5th Year - $1250
For Bank Foreclosures Deemed Vacant and Abandoned - $2500 per Year
The city of Camden, N.J. has amended its property registration ordinance to reflect an annual registration requirement within 10 days of foreclosure filing or within 10 days of vacancy. The program will require an annual fee of $500.00 if the property is vacant and abandoned but not in foreclosure, a fee of $500.00 if the property is occupied and in foreclosure, and an additional fee of $2,000.00 if the property is vacant and in foreclosure.
Property Registration Ordinance
Registration of Vacant and/or Defaulted Mortgage Property
Sec. 615-8. Registration of vacant and/or defaulted mortgage real property.
A. Any owner or mortgagee who holds title or a mortgage on real property located within the City of Camden shall be responsible for registering vacant and/or defaulted mortgage property with the City of Camden or its designee. Mortgagees shall perform an inspection of the property to determine vacancy or occupancy upon default by the mortgagor. The owner shall have 10 days from the date of vacancy and the mortgagee shall 10 days from the date of inspection to register the property with the Code Enforcement Department or its designees on forms or other manners as directed. A separate registration is required for each property.
H. A nonrefundable registration fee of $500 shall accompany each registration pursuant to this section.
Sec. 615-9. Registration, Notice, and other Creditor Requirements.
(b) Within 10 days of filing a summons and complaint with the New Jersey Superior Court in an action to foreclose on a commercial and/or residential mortgage for a property located within the City of Camden, the creditor shall notify the Municipal Clerk of the City of Camden, or his/her designee, of the action.
615-10. Fees, Violations & Penalties.
(b) Creditors required to notify the City of Camden and register a property as one in foreclosure shall be required to pay the following annual registration fee, per property, due at the time of registration: $500.00.
(c) If a property registered with the City of Camden's registration program as a property in foreclosure is vacant and abandoned at the time of registration, or becomes vacant and abandoned at any time during the pendency of the foreclosure proceeding, the Creditor shall pay an additional annual registration fee, per property, due at the time the determination that the property is vacant and abandoned is made, of: $2,000.00.
The town of Ware, Mass. has enacted a property registration ordinance within 180 days of vacancy. The program will require annual registration accompanied by a fee of $25.00.
Property Registration Ordinance
Vacant Property: Any residential property that is unoccupied for a period greater than one hundred eighty (180) days by a person or persons with legal right to reside therein.
2. An annual registration fee of $25 shall be required. All property registrations are valid for one calendar year. Subsequent annual registrations are due within 30 days of the expiration of the previous registration. The failure to timely register a vacant building shall be a violation of this Bylaw. Within the context of this bylaw, "timely" shall mean registration no later than thirty (30) days after a building becomes vacant. Once the property is no longer vacant or is sold, the owner must provide proof of sale or written notice of occupancy to the Building Commissioner.
The city of Mechanicville, N.Y. has enacted a property registration ordinance within 30 days of vacancy. The program will require annual registration accompanied by the following fee structure:
Initial Registration: $500.00
1st Renewal: $1,000.00
2nd and Subsequent Renewals: $1,500.00
Property Registration Ordinance
Sec. 84-17. Vacant building registration.
A. The owner shall register with the Building Department, no later than thirty (30) days after any building located in an area zoned for, or abutting an area zoned for, residential or neighborhood commercial use in the City becomes a vacant building, as defined above, or not later than thirty (30) days after being notified by the Building Department of the requirement to register. The Building Department may identify vacant buildings through its routine inspection process as well as through notification by residents, neighborhood associations, and other community groups that a building may be eligible for inclusion on the registry.
City of Mechanicville
Building and Code Enforcement Department
$500-1st Year - $1000-2nd Year - $1500-3rd Year & There after.
Long Beach, California The city of Long Beach, Calif. has amended its property registration ordinance to reflect an updated annual fee of $210.00. The ordinance will continue to require annual…
North Bergen, NJ The township of North Bergen, N.J. has amended its property registration requirement to reflect an annual fee of $500.00 for occupied properties in foreclosure and $2,500.00 for…
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Safeguard Properties
7887 Hub Parkway
Valley View, OH 44125
Media Inquiries: safeguard.communication@safeguardproperties.com