Alabama, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Oregon
December 20, 2018VPR Ordinance Enacted in St. Joseph
The City of St. Joseph, Mo., enacted vacant property registration requirements on December 17. The ordinance requires registration for structures vacant for a period of at least six months on a semi-annual basis.
To view media coverage, please click here.
NOTE: Updated from an 11/21/18 post.
VPR Ordinance Enacted in Coos County
Coos County, Ore., enacted vacant property registration requirements on November 20. The ordinance requires registration within 14 days of a default inspection (if determined to be vacant).
To visit the county website, please click here.
VPR Amendments Approved in Manatee County
Manatee County, Fla., effective January 1, 2019, has passed amendments to its vacant property registration ordinance requiring registration within 10 days of filing foreclosure (previously within 10 days of foreclosure and vacancy) as well as annual renewal.
To visit the county website, please click here.
VPR Ordinance Proposed in Montgomery
The City of Montgomery, Ala., has proposed a vacant property registration ordinance. The ordinance aims to establish minimum standards of care and upkeep for vacant buildings and structures as well as to establish penalties for violations.
To visit the city website, please click here.
Rockford to Discuss VPR Program
The City of Rockford, Ill., has plans to discuss the creation of a vacant property registry at an upcoming council meeting on December 31. It is important to note that at this time, no ordinance has been officially proposed.
To view media coverage, please click here.
NOTE: Updated from an 11/13/18 post.
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